About Me

Work to live.  Live to love.  That is the aspiration of most parents as we work to give our children a brighter future.  Like most mommies,  I struggle to balance the checkbook while at the same time trying to bring up my son in the best way I know how.  It just so happens I also work as a credit analyst in a financial institution. Come join me on the journey for financial security and family happiness.

13 Responses

  1. Joelle, what a refreshing blog you have! Write on…

  2. Hi I just happen to stumble on your blog by accident. It’s exactly what I’m trying to aim for too! I love what you’ve been writing about. I’ll be linking you, if you don’t mind.

  3. Hi,

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    Iniibig ko ang Pilipinas!

  4. wow…interesting blog and of course an interesting mom. i hope i could be like u someday. i’ll visit ur site for insightful tips.

    thanks for blogging! =)

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